Madison's Mark on the World

1995: Wore my first Penn State apparal
1996: Attended my first Penn State football game
2014: Got accepted into Smeal and started my
freshman year
2017: Witnessed the BIG10 Championship win and attended the Rose Bowl game
2018: Will graduate from Penn State
2011: Student ambassador program to visit France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
2012: Student ambassador program to visit England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
2013: Family vacation to Paris, France
2016: Studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain and visited Italy and Holland
2017: Travelled to London, England with family, and travelled around Greece with five of my best friends

2007: Purchased my first guitar
2009: Began guitar lessons
2009-2011: Performed for friends, family, and neighbors in concerts
Present: Practice on a daily basis
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Penn State